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Springbrook Adult Classes

Teaching to Change Lives

11/29 The Woman and the Dragon - Flipped Class

11/29 The Woman and the Dragon - Flipped Class

This is our first "flipped class." We are going to watch the playlist for these videos ahead of time, and then meet via Zoom on Sunday to discuss.

11/22 Eating the Scroll

11/22 Eating the Scroll

We will explore Revelation chapters 8 and 10 to better understand the metaphor of eating the scroll. Are you hungry?

11/15 The Story of Scripture

11/15 The Story of Scripture

We'll examine the phenomenon of the seals in Revelation 6 and 7 today.

11/08 Justice at the Gates

11/08 Justice at the Gates

We examine the throne room scene in Revelation to understand what is happening and how it is related to Ezekiel.

10/30 Letters to the Churches

10/30 Letters to the Churches

Explore the message to the church at Ephesus found in Revelation 2:1-7.

10/25 Opening Revelation

10/25 Opening Revelation

Revelation chapter 1 was shaped by John to explain the content and themes of Revelation.

10/18 What is in Revelation

10/18 What is in Revelation

We explore the context, content, and purpose of the Revelation.

10/04 What is Apocalypse

10/04 What is Apocalypse

We are exploring the book of Revelation this quarter. Join us today to discover what does the word Apocalypse mean in the Bible? Is it about the end of the world? Are we experiencing THE apocalypse?

09/27 Four Final Words to Believers

09/27 Four Final Words to Believers

Springbrook's final class on Philippians, discussing Philippians chapter 4.

09/20 Pressing Toward the Goal

09/20 Pressing Toward the Goal

Class discussing Philippians 3:1-16.

09/13 The Mind of Christ

09/13 The Mind of Christ

Class discussing Philippians 2:1-11

09/06 Remembering the Philippians

09/06 Remembering the Philippians

Class discussing Philippians Chapter 1.

08/30 Christian Armor

08/30 Christian Armor

Ephesians Lesson discussing chapter 6:10-20.

08/23 Christian Conduct

08/23 Christian Conduct

Ephesians Lesson discuss Chapter 4:17-32.

08/16 Paul's Ministry

08/16 Paul's Ministry

Lesson discussing Ephesians chapter 3

08/09 Brought Near By His Blood

08/09 Brought Near By His Blood

Lesson covering Ephesians 2:11-22

08/02 Every Spiritual Blessing

08/02 Every Spiritual Blessing

First Class on Ephesians. We will discuss 1:1-14

07/26 Burden Bearers

07/26 Burden Bearers

Class on Galatians 6:1-10. Use this password to access video: d@yY@6G6

07/19 Paul's Explanation

07/19 Paul's Explanation

Discussing Galatians 3. This lesson is supplemented by scriptures and song from the following YouTube locations:
YouTube video of Galatians (KJV) by Alexander Scourby

YouTube video of Children of the Heavenly Father (Gal 3:26), Faith & Praise #130

07/12 Paul's Acceptance

07/12 Paul's Acceptance

Class discussing Galatians 2:1-21

07/05 Galatians: Paul's Apologia

07/05 Galatians: Paul's Apologia

First Galatians class. Access class with this password: 8A?986&K

06/28 Paul in Rome

06/28 Paul in Rome

In our final class, we take a look at Paul's time spent in Rome.

06/21 A Speech to a Crowd

06/21 A Speech to a Crowd

In this class, we discuss Paul's speech to the crowd in Jerusalem.

06/14 Paul Compelled to go to Jerusalem

06/14 Paul Compelled to go to Jerusalem

Let's examine Paul's decision to go to Jerusalem and how it concludes his final missionary journey.

06/07 Jerusalem Counsel

06/07 Jerusalem Counsel

Let's take a look at how Gentiles were brought into the new Messianic movement as full members.

05/31 Primacy of Paul

05/31 Primacy of Paul

The final section of Acts shows us Paul and his friends bringing the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.

05/24 Big Ideas So Far

05/24 Big Ideas So Far

We will review the learning objectives as well as take a big-picture view of Acts 1-12.

05/17 How Shall Gentiles Enter the Kingdom

05/17 How Shall Gentiles Enter the Kingdom

This lesson discusses Acts 10-11 where Peter is drawn into God's plan to bring Gentiles into the Kingdom.

05/10 The Confrontation of Saul

05/10 The Confrontation of Saul

We learn about Jesus' confrontation of the Pharisee Saul and try to put this story in context of what has been happening in Acts.

05/03 Philip in Samaria

05/03 Philip in Samaria

Follow Philip's ministry in the city of Samaria.

04/26 Stephen's Defense

04/26 Stephen's Defense

This lesson will cover the context and speech of Stephen. We try to understand his retelling of the Old Testament story and how it relates to the charges leveled against him.

04/19 Jerusalem Church

04/19 Jerusalem Church

We are going to look at Acts 2:42-5:42 from a broader perspective to try to understand how Luke wants us to view the early church body in Jerusalem.

03/29 Jesus Sequel

03/29 Jesus Sequel

We are starting our new lessons in Acts starting this week. Here is the lesson titled, "Jesus Sequel" in which we connect the book of Luke and Acts.

04/05 Waiting for the Spirit

04/05 Waiting for the Spirit

We look in detail at the first account of the disciples in Acts and try to understand why they appoint Matthias.

04/12 The Spirit Arrives

04/12 The Spirit Arrives

We take a big-picture view of Acts 2 and try to put it all in a Biblical context.

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